Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Sardonic Grin

A recent study has revealed the toxin behind the smiling death. Phoenician colonists on the Island of Sardinia created one big CF* for contemporary societies by creating some damn freaky smiles on faces of the dead, both enemies and friends.

What eluded scientists until now was how they did it.

Enter hungry Shepherd.

Let us call this shepherd Bob.

Pulling a double shift one overcast afternoon, Bob realises that he forgot his lunch. So poor and tired Bob, almost delirious with hunger, stumbled upon this:

Mmmmmmm, well it smells okay, thought Bob.
So, after brushing off excess dirt and pollen, Bob proceeded to scoff down the sweet smelling flowers and the juicy, juicy roots of the pretty swamp flower. And oh boy was it yummy!

A few hours later, Bob was found dead, with a grin on his face.

Now I personally think this would make a great story to tell your children to teach them not to eat just anything because you can DIE! Its like the Cry Wolf story really.

Anyway, Bob’s unintentional suicide lead scientists closer to the secret identity of the Sardonic herb.

And so, now we know NOT to eat the Hemlock Water-Dropwort, and that there will undoubtedly be a new cosmetic method in the fight against aging.

And you thought inserting botulism was bad! Take that wrinkles! Muahahahaha!

*CF=clusterfuck, but I'm trying to keep this blog PG

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