Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I've been Warholed!

Look! Look at me!!! I'm a Warhol! And a Dandy Warhol at that!...even if I do say so myself.

But wait! What have we here?!

Gah! I'm wanted by Azkaban prison?!!! I swear that spell....ah i mean,....hey someone put graffiti on my wanted poster!
I'm famous! Jealous? Well never fear my envy riddled friends for you can be a famous Warhol or a target for those nasty Dementors too! A website has basically put up some photo/image backgrounds, which, using some very weird and wonderful technological manoeuvres, puts you in the photo. So, if you have ever wanted to be Superman, Marilyn Monroe, a Jedi or just loved by Victoria (Posh) Beckham (I haven’t any idea why, I imagine it would be like hugging a bunch of spiky sticks that make a very high pitched squealy sound when you ask them "how you doin'?"), then this is the site for you! Also, I think that no one should ever go through life without seeing their own face on the Mona Lisa…or on a television set.

P.S. Someone should let Robbie Buck know about this website, so then he can make pictures of himself on the TV to make up for not hosting his own TV show.

P.S.S. I mean no offence to Mr. Robbie Buck, he’s a lovely gent…and to the person who wrote on a wall in Graffiti “Robbie buck is an f---head” I say “No he isn’t, you…you…big poo head!” (shakes fist)

P.S.S.S. If you are reading this and thinking ‘who is Robbie Buck’, I say shame on you! Triple J 6-9am weekdays.

P.S.S.S.S. 2 x Double shot latte = Bad Idea.

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