Saturday, December 20, 2008


Whispers are starting to spread from the latest archaeological excavations and research on the island of Flores, Indonesia. Hominin specimens found on the island, dubbed Homo floresiensis, more affectionately referred to as the ‘hobbits’ were first reported in 2004. The archaeology of Flores is enigmatic for several reasons; one of the main concerns is that if dating is correct, the hobbits present an archaeological anomaly. If the Flores hominins did coexist for an extensive period after colonisation by modern humans, it would suggest that not all indigenous hominins were replaced by anatomically modern humans.
Coexistence with modern humans has been found in the archaeological record. Evidence from Neanderthals suggests a relatively short coexistence with modern humans, but archaeological research suggests that the Hobbits may have been extant for a far longer period than any other species.
There are also arguments against the assignment of the fossils to Homo floresiensis. Some suggest that the fossils may be diseased moderns or erectus specimens.
The latest whispers are that the new excavations have found evidence that would suggest beyond a doubt that the hominins are in fact a new species, forcing the academia to rethink our models of human evolution and the human story.

After the stories I’ve heard from the AAA conference this year…let the shit fight begin.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

'Tis the Season to be Distasteful: 'Osama Bin Lego'

It’s that time of year again folks, the season to be jolly…and by jolly I mean eat and drink until the cows come home. I never really understood that saying when I was little, where did the bloody cows go anyway? The local Milko? Anyway, with the joyful season comes the gift shopping period, or the “I would rather have bamboo thrust under my fingernails than go shopping” period as I like to call it. But if your find yourself in a spot of bother trying to find the perfect gift for that special person*, then look no further!

OSAMA BIN LEGO - proudly brought to you by BrickArms, now available in the UK.
The new collectable is:

"The masked follower of 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden comes with a rocket
launcher, assault rifle and grenades….

They also include a Nazi
major, bearing the chilling SS insignia, and a stormtrooper brandishing two
grenade launchers

As would be expected, the product has been slammed by religious and political groups across the globe. It has been argued that the products glorify terrorism and send mixed messages to children. Lego UK has strongly denied any affiliation with the BrickArms Company and released the following statement in relation to the new product:
“…BrickArms is not licensed by LEGO UK to customise LEGO figures and has no
links to the LEGO brand. LEGO UK is committed to developing toys which enrich
childhood by encouraging imaginative and creative play - and does not endorse
products that do not fit with this philosophy
If the Osama Bin Lego collection doesn’t seem a bit distasteful to you then I suggest a strong hit of wheatgrass and a “what the hell is wrong with you?!” followed by your best mate slapping you on the forehead.
*We all have that one person on our Christmas lists that makes you stop and think “Oh [insert four letter word here] what on earth do I get for this clown?....And why is he/she even on my list?”

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I've been Warholed!

Look! Look at me!!! I'm a Warhol! And a Dandy Warhol at that!...even if I do say so myself.

But wait! What have we here?!

Gah! I'm wanted by Azkaban prison?!!! I swear that spell....ah i mean,....hey someone put graffiti on my wanted poster!
I'm famous! Jealous? Well never fear my envy riddled friends for you can be a famous Warhol or a target for those nasty Dementors too! A website has basically put up some photo/image backgrounds, which, using some very weird and wonderful technological manoeuvres, puts you in the photo. So, if you have ever wanted to be Superman, Marilyn Monroe, a Jedi or just loved by Victoria (Posh) Beckham (I haven’t any idea why, I imagine it would be like hugging a bunch of spiky sticks that make a very high pitched squealy sound when you ask them "how you doin'?"), then this is the site for you! Also, I think that no one should ever go through life without seeing their own face on the Mona Lisa…or on a television set.

P.S. Someone should let Robbie Buck know about this website, so then he can make pictures of himself on the TV to make up for not hosting his own TV show.

P.S.S. I mean no offence to Mr. Robbie Buck, he’s a lovely gent…and to the person who wrote on a wall in Graffiti “Robbie buck is an f---head” I say “No he isn’t, you…you…big poo head!” (shakes fist)

P.S.S.S. If you are reading this and thinking ‘who is Robbie Buck’, I say shame on you! Triple J 6-9am weekdays.

P.S.S.S.S. 2 x Double shot latte = Bad Idea.

Meeting solo

Hi, Have you met solo?

This is, well, part of the fossil I’ll be working on over the next few weeks. He is quite handsome really, this picture does not do him justice. I'll arrange for a photograph of the entire skull to be taken and posted on the site.
Anyway, I'll be spending the next few weeks getting acquainted with solo, taking measurements, describing and researching him in detail.
He does have quite the personality, you can see it in his eyes

And that my friends, is how you know that you have spent way too much time in the lab.

Mossy Otzi

I don’t know what it is about this guy, but I do find him quite fascinating. Recent studies have found that Otzi has not one, not two, but six different types of moss in his gut. Six different varieties!
This has genuinely surprised archaeologists and scientists working with the Ice mummy, for several reasons, but principally because moss tastes bad. And how do they know this? Remember my Frank and Bob scenario? I told you it was real!
Considering that the mosses tasted disgusting and shared the same nutritional value as cardboard, it has been suggested that they may have been ingested accidentally. Researchers have found that:

“…One type of moss could have been used to wrap food;
another was likely swallowed when the Iceman drank water during the
last few days of his life; and yet another would have been used as a wound

The food-wrapping moss is called Neckera complanata. And the
Iceman probably accidentally ingested a moss called Hymenostylium recurvirostrum
along with some drinking water before he died.

And he could have applied the bogmoss Sphagnum imbricatum as
a wound dressing. That particular bogmoss does not grow, at least today, within
about 30 miles (50 km) of the site where Ötzi was found, the researchers say,
suggesting the Iceman must have been a traveler…”
He just grows more interesting by the second. I’m hoping that they will make another documentary with Sir David Attenborough as the narrator, thus combining my two greatest loves on this planet into one super-fantastical-fun-documentary!…
I need to get out more.

For more details, you can find the mossy article here.