Saturday, January 3, 2009

You know you're on holidays when...

When you find yourself sipping on pina coladas in the sunset on your back patio, watching the hounds harass the multitudes of paparazzi that are desperately clawing at the iron gates.
Yep, that’s when you know you’re in holiday mode (or “I don’t give a flying horsies bum” mode as I to like to call it).

But more blogging shall be on its way soon.

I should as mention that I’ve given birth to a new blog, in the metaphorical sense of giving birth of course. Imagine if you had a baby and it came out as a blog! What a mind trip!

“What is it doctor?” the curious nurse would ask

Yes, I’ve had a coffee of three if you can’t tell. Anyway, the new blog is concentrated more on my personal life. And by that I mean that it is a satirical exploration of the Towers Family, in all its infinite weirdness.
I hope you all had a very merry/happy Christmas (depending on whether you speak English English or American English) and I wish you a very happy and prosperous New Year.

And may we all learn to appreciate the benefits of backpacks in the form of mysterious stuffed animals.

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