Monday, November 3, 2008

Pony Pony Pony Pony Pony Pony

Yes, its that time of year again folks!

Melbourne Cup Day!

Yes, it’s the race that stops the nation! And the race that is usually followed by cries of joy and yelps of dismay as we lay our hard earned shrapnel down on a Pony or two at the local TAB. Now, as Melbourne Cup has put everybody in a betting frenzy, I thought I offer up some tips on how to pick a winner.

“But what experience do you have?” did I hear you ask?

Well last year, in a stoke of what I would call my pure brilliance...and what others would call pure ass and luck…I picked the winner and won myself a handsome sum of moolahs.

So you can spend all day looking at the statistics and analysing weight/age ratios


You can be like me and just pick the names you like!

This year I’ve gone with:
Ice Chariot (because that sounds like me, cold and bitter)
Alessandro Volta (because let’s face it, the guy was a legend!)

I also have a suggestion for future cup carnivals regarding Fashions on the field.
Yeah ok, picking the best dressed person at the cup is all fine and dandy, but I’m thinking it could be better…like, what if the contenders actually had to have running race in their frocks!

So that concludes my magical tips for this year’s race.
Now, I’m just going to sit back and watch as the rest of Australia splurges over 8 million on our Equine friends.

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