Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I know what I’m about to do is frowned upon by many in the archaeological community…but I’m going to do it anyway! Look at me man! I’m a hardcore rebel!

Three words for you ladies and gents…and no, it is not “World of Warcraft”…


Eeeeekkk! Tomb raider tomb raider tomb raider eeeekkkk!

Okay, so I may be a little bit excited about the new Tomb Raider game, which is set for release on the 21st of November 2008...or if you are a bit of a fan of the action-adventure game genre…its only 8 more sleeps!

Now I think I should explain why I’m getting so worked up over this release.
1) The original Tomb Raider game was genius!
2) The Angel of Darkness game really tainted the series image for a while there…it was like tomb raider fathered a freaky love child with CSI, as Lara stalked the streets of Paris searching for a serial killer, broke into the Louvre and shot at the Mona Lisa…okay maybe that last bit was just me.
3) Archaeology is NEVER this much fun!
4) Archaeologists are never this fantastically hot or amazingly skilled in combat.

Yes, unfortunately Archaeology, despite how it has been portrayed in popular culture, hardly ever involves re-animated corpses trying to bite your arms off or explosive gun battles in art museums. In fact, most archaeological work is done in the lab, yes the lab.
We dress ourselves in those ridiculous white coats and look at stuff under microscopes…and for the record, stuff is a technological term in the archaeological discipline.

So the reason I’m so excitable over this game is because, and let’s face it, Archaeology can be tedious and boring at times. It’s not that I want to be Lara Croft…I mean the only thing we have in common is cup size…and no I’m not referring to a schooner or middy.

And unlike me, Lara never wears a lab coat, which means she’s never had that awkward moment where she realises that having substantial breast tissue gets in the way of the second button, so you have to leave that one open and try to ignore the fact that the dorky asthmatic nincompoop sitting across from you is drooling all over his microscopic specimen as he catches glimpses of your cleavage…all because the stupid lab coats don’t fit! I wonder whose idea that was!….anyway, moving on…

It’s not that I don’t find archaeology exciting and fun; in fact it’s the opposite! I was doing volunteer work and nearly wet myself when I found a fossilised fish scale in the sample I was sorting! But I do wish that once I finally get my degree, my life will have a Lara Croft/Tomb Raider-esque action-adventure feel to it.
You know, travel around the world, uncovering ancient ruins and saving the world from certain doom at the hands of an evil and twisted ex-espionage/military gent with an unfortunate looking scar across his balding head and “Mummy? Why don’t you love me?” issues…Dream big I say.
The game is supposed to be going back to its roots, with more of a focus on outdoorsy adventuring through archaeological sites across the world, giant spiders and octopi, Norse mythology, heaps of explosions, great graphics and a character who can juggle whilst contorting herself into a pretzel.

So if you were a fan of Tomb Raider: Legend, strap yourselves in because Underworld is said to blow ones mind!

Eeeeekkk! Tomb raider tomb raider tomb raider eeeekkkk!

I myself may be a little bit biased toward this type of game because I'm one of those people who looks at a mysterious lever protruding from an ancient monument and thinks "I wonder what happens when i pull this?" without evaluating the cost/benefits first! WOO! Step back! I'm a Wild Child!

But if you’re a bit of a Tomb Raider/Action-Adventure gaming fan…or you just dream of Lara Croft’s hot body lathered in white chocolate, contorted into a pretzel and juggling on your dining table, then check out the website for all sorts of gaming goodies!!!

Eeeeekkk! Tomb raider tomb raider tomb raider eeeekkkk!

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